
The definitions in this manual follow the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences published a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) developed by Fleischman and Crowder (2018).
The full SOP is accessible under the external links page.
Landmark3Skull Ref.Interlandmark Distance MeasureDefinitionCommentsImage
alarealNLBInstrumentally determined as the most lateral points on the nasal aperture taken on the anterior surface.Alare is taken on the anterior surface of the nasal margin (i.e., not inside the nasal aperture).alare
alveolonalvMALThe point on the interpalatal suture where the line drawn between the posterior ends of the alveolar ridges crosses the midline.In order to take alveolon, the analyst should place a skinny rubber band on the alveolus prior to placing the cranium on the tri-column stand; take the point in the middle of the rubber band; touch, but do not depress the rubber band.alveolon
asterionastASBThe point where the lambdoidal, parietomastoid, and occipitomastoid sutures meet.asterion
basionbaBBH, BNL, BPL, FMLMidline point at the anterior margin of the foramen magnum.Basion is located on the midpoint of the foramen magnum margins.basion
bregmabFRC, BBH, PAC, PAF, PASPoint where the coronal and sagittal sutures intersect.bregma
cheek height (inferior point)wmhiWMHThe minimum distance, in any direction, from the lower border of the orbit to the lower margin of the maxilla, medial to the masseter attachment (inferior point).cheek height inferior
cheek height (superior point)wmhsWMHThe minimum distance, in any direction, from the lower border of the orbit to the lower margin of the maxilla, medial to the masseter attachment (superior point).cheek height superior
condylion laterale; (condylion)cdlbicondylar breadthLateral-most projection of the mandibular condyle.condylion laterale
condylion medialemedcndlMedial-most projection of the mandibular condyle.condylion mediale
coronioncoronPoint at the tip of the coronoid process of the mandible.coronion
dacryondk; dOBB, DKBAnterior border of the junction of the lacrimal and frontal. Apex of lacrimal fossa on the frontal bone.Dacryon is located at the apex of the lacrimal fossa, on the frontal bone. Mark the point carefully with a pencil (unless marking with a pencil will cause damage) on both sides to assist with data collection. Details are provided below to help evaluate the location of this landmark: 1:In the ideal well-preserved specimen, the groove will be clearly defined with the apex corresponding well with the inner wall of the orbit as viewed by sighting. The groove will be bisected by the lacrimomaxillary suture, which will meet the fronto-lacrimal and frontomaxillary sutures (the frontal bone) at the groove's apex. The inner border of the orbit, curving down from above, will form a slight promontory overhanging the apex of the groove and just lateral to it. The point determined should be on the frontal bone (Howells 1973:167). 2: There is much variation from the above pattern: the fossa may be shallow with a broad or ill-defined apex; the suture may be obliterated; the lacrimal bone itself may be absent anatomically or lost postmortem. Approximate the point defined above, i.e., the apex, by using, in order of priority: the lacrimal fossa observed from directly above, a view which makes it easy to determine its course and the proper point of its apex; the promontory on the frontal bone – the best guide when the lacrimal bone is broken out entirely; the posterior border of the fossa – the point never lies posterior or lateral to it, but may approach it; the lacrimo-maxillary suture, when the structures are whole but the form of the fossa is shallow and undefined; there is often a small foramen just at the apex of the fossa, which may be used as a guide, though it is apt to lie slightly mesial to the apex proper (Howells 1973: 167).dacryon
deepest point on nasal bone profilendsptNDS, NDACalculated from nasal arc.Point is automatically calculated, no need to digitize. Not included in the LAMbDA models.
ectoconchionek; ecOBB, EKBThe intersection of the most anterior surface of the lateral border of the orbit and a line bisecting the orbit along its long axis.Ectoconchion is taken at the most anterior margin of the orbital rim.ectoconchion
ectomolareecmMABWidest part of the alveolar maxilla, around M2.Ectomalare is located on the alveolus. Do not capture if the cranium is edentulous.ectomolare
euryon; eurioneuXCBInstrumentally-determined, ectocranial point of greatest cranial breadth. eurion
FOB pointfobFOBForamen magnum breadth.FOB point
frontomalare anteriorfm:aFMB, NASPoint where the frontozygomatic suture intersects with the orbit. Point is taken anterior.frontomalare anterior
frontomalare temporalefmtUFBRPoint where the frontozygomatic suture crosses the temporal line. This is taken on the frontozygomatic suture at the most lateral point – wherever that point may be.frontomolare temporale
frontotemporaleftWFBPoint generally anterior and medial along the temporal line on the frontal bone that, when paired with Frontotemporale, measures the minimum frontal breadth. frontotemporale
glabellagGOLThe most forwardly projection point in the mid-sagittal plane at the lower margin of the frontal bone.glabella
gnathiongnGNIThe most inferior midline point on the mandible.gnathion
goniongoGOGThe most lateral external point at the junction of the horizontal and ascending rami.gonion
HMF inferior pointhmfiptHMFMandibular body height at the mental foramen. (inferior point)HMF inferior point
HMF superior pointhmfsptHMFMandibular body height at the mental foramen. (superior point)HMF superior point
hormionThe most posterior midline point on the vomer.Hormion is taken posterior to the vomer at the midline, not into the anterior deflection if it is present.hormion
infradentaleidGNIThe midline point on the alveolar bone between the two central mandibular incisors.infradentale
jugalejuJUBDeepest curvature of the zygomatic angle, taken laterally, not on the margin. Jugale is taken on the postero-lateral angle on the lateral surface.jugale
krotaphionkroThe superior-posterior tip of the greater wing of the sphenoid.Krotaphion cannot be taken when there is frontal-temporal articulation, a notch bone is present, or the sutures are obliterated.krotaphion
lambdala; lPAC, PAF, PAS, OCCPoint where the sagittal and lambdoindal sutures meet.lambda;
lambda corrected
lower orbital borderobhiOBH (inferior point)The height between the upper and lower borders of the left orbit, perpendicular to the long axis of the orbit and bisecting it. Internal measurement.lower orbital border
M1 anterior pointavrptXRL, MANAnterior/mesial margin of the left first molar, on the alveolus.M1 anterior point is located on the alveolus. M1 anterior point is not located between the roots of the first molar and second premolar. Do not capture if the cranium is edentulous.M1 anterior point
mandibular angle basemanliptMANPoint on the posterior base of the mandible as if you were measuring ramus height with a mandibulometer.
marginal process lateralmplPoint at the lateral-most aspect of the marginal process of the zygomatic.Marginal process is taken postero-laterally.marginal process lateral
mastoidalemsMDHPoint at the most inferior tip of the mastoid.mastiodale
maximum frontal pointxfbXFBInstrumentally-determined, maximum frontal breadth; on the coronal suture.max. frontal point
maximum malar projection point L/RMLSCalculated from malar arc.Point is automatically calculated, no need to digitize. Not included in the LAMbDA models.
metopionmetFRF, FRSInstrumentally-determined, point where the frontal’s elevation above the chord from nasion to bregma is greatest.Point is automatically calculated, no need to digitize. Not included in the LAMbDA models. metopion
most inferior nasal border; narialenlhiNLHActual floor of the nasal cavity, taken inside the nasal aperture if there is gutternig or the stylus will fit into the nasal aperture. If there is a nasal sill, place stylus on the anterior surface of the maxilla to approximate the location of nasal floor.Most inferior nasal border (i.e., actual floor of the nasal cavity) is taken inside the nasal aperture if there is nasal guttering. If there is a nasal sill, and you cannot reach the stylus inside the nasal aperture (to reach the floor), then place the stylus on the anterior surface of the maxilla to approximate the location of the nasal floor. In 3Skull, Most Inferior Nasal Border is used to calculate nasal height (NLH)—the right and left sides are averaged.most inferior nasal border
nasal bone elevationsisptSIS, SIACalculated from the nasal arc.Point is automatically calculated, no need to digitize. Not included in the LAMbDA models.
nasale inferiusnasiThe most inferior point of the nasomaxillary suture, where the nasal touches the maxilla.Termination of the intersection of the nasomaxillary suture, discounting any nasal bone overgrowth. (Spradley, personal communication).nasale inferius
nasale superiusThe most superior point of the nasomaxillary suture, where the nasal touches the maxilla.nasale superius
nasionnaBNL, FRC, NAS, NBA, NLH, NLB, NOL, NPH, UFHTPoint of intersection of the nasofrontal suture and the mid-sagittal plane, on the frontal bone.nasion
nasomaxillary suture pinchwnbWNB, Simotic chordThe minimum transverse breadth across the two nasal bones.nasomaxillary suture pinch
occipital subtense pointOCF, OCSThe maximum subtense, at the highest point on the convexity along the lambda-opisthion chord, in midline. Point is automatically calculated, no need to digitize. Not included in the LAMbDA models.
opisthionos; oFOLMidline point at the posterior margin of the foramen magnum.Opisthion is located on the midpoint of the foramen magnum margins.opisthion
opisthocranionopGOLInstrumentally-determined, the furthest point from glabella in midline. Point is automatically calculated, no need to digitize. Not included in the LAMbDA models.
parietal subtense pointPAF, PASThe maximum subtense, at the highest point on the convexity of the parietal bones, within the bregma-lambda chord, in midline. Point is automatically calculated, no need to digitize. Not included in the LAMbDA models.
pogonionmalaptXRL, MANMost anterior midline point on the chin of the mandible.pogonion
porionporMDHPoint at the most superior aspect of the EAM.porion
prosthion (Howells)prosHBPL, NPH, MALMidline point at the most anterior point on the alveolar process of the maxillae.prosthion (Howells)
prosthion (Martin)prosMUFHTMidline point at the inferior tip of the alveolar process of the maxilla.prosthion (Martin)
radiculareraAUBDeepest point on the zygomatic root (bi-auricular breadth).radiculare
radiometer pointradptradii NAR, BRRTaken inside the EAM, “floating.”Radiometer point is taken by inserting the stylus tip all the way into the EAM, then pulling it half way out, taking the measurement with the stylus “floating” in the cavity rather than against the wall. The stylus should be level with the imaginary straight line connecting the two EAMs. One way to do this is to place both index fingers outside of the EAMs to help visualize the connecting line. Visualizing taking this point with a radiometer is helpful.radiometer point
sphenionsphThe anterior tip of the parietal.Sphenion cannot be taken when there is frontal-temporal articulation, a notch bone is present, or the sutures are obliterated.sphenion;
sphenion 2
sphenofrontalespheno-fronto-zygomaticPoint where the sphenoid, frontal, and zygomatic sutures intersect.sphenofrontale
staurionThe point at the intersection of the median and transverse palatine suture.Staurion may be difficult if the sutures meet unevenly. When this occurs, draw lines to create a point of intersection.staurion
stephanionstpSTB, STSPoint where the coronal suture crosses the temporal line (left and right).stephanion
subspinalessSSR, SSSThe deepest point seen in the profile below the anterior nasal spine.If there is a gap between the maxillae below the nasal spine, DO NOT insert the stylus into the gap.subspinale
superior condyleHighest point on the mandibular condyle.superior condyle posterior
superior condyle posteriorCDL, MANPerpendicular to the highest point on the mandibular condyle as if it were sitting in a mandibulometer.
supraglabellareGLSThe point at which the convex profile of the frontal bone changes to join the prominence of the glabellar region.supraglabellare
TMF buccal pointtmfbptTMFMandibular body breadth at the mental foramen.TMF buccal point
TMF lingual pointtmflptTMFMandibular body breadth at the mental foramen.TMF lingual point
upper orbital borderobhsOBH (superior point)The height between the upper and lower borders of the orbit, perpendicular to the long axis of the orbit and bisecting it. Internal measurement. (superior point)upper orbital border
vertex radius pointVRRInstrumentally-determined, the highest point at midline when the skull is in Frankfurt Horizontal.Point is automatically calculated, no need to digitize. Not included in the LAMbDA models.
WRB anterior pointwrbaptMinimum ramus breadth. (anterior point)WRB anterior point
WRB superior/posterior pointwrbpptThe minimum ramus breadth. (posterior point)WRB superior/posterior point
zygionzygZYBThe most laterally positioned point on the zygomatic arches. The position of zygion is defined from the measurement of bizygomatic breadth.zygion
zygomaxilarezygomZMB, IMLIntersection of the zygomaxillary suture and the limit of the attachment of the masseter muscle, on the facial (most anteriorly projecting) surface of the zygomaxillary suture.zygomaxilare
zygoorbitalezoMOW, IML, XMLThe intersection of the orbital margin and the zygomaticomaxillary suture.Since the orbital border is usually softly rounded here, the point should be found midway between the facial and orbital surfaces. A small process or sliver of the malar may extend several millimeters medially from the rest of the bone just here, pushing the suture and point well inward along the orbital margin. As a convention, the point is never placed medial to the plane of the medial border of the infraorbital foramen (Howells 1973: 170).zygoorbitale
zygotemporale inferiorimlptIML, XMLPoint at the inferior zygotemporal suture on the zygomatic process.zygotemporale inferior
zygotemporale superiorszsIML, XMLPoint at the superior zygotemporal suture on the zygomatic process.zygotemporale superior